Author M.M. Cochran would rather be baking. IngramElliott's newest author is most at home with cookies, coffee, and the smells of autumn . . . but lucky for us, she also loves to write sweet and strong stories. Launching only a couple of weeks ago, the author's debut Young Adult Mystery Romance is coming out strong - hitting #5 in YA fiction* in only 30 days. "I want teens to never feel alone in dark times."Born a storyteller, the author's yearning to share poetic prose with the world grabbed hold when she was just a child running into the woods with a leather journal. When her teenage summers took a toll on friendships and relationships, she used her artistic skill to create stories and characters that other teens could relate to. Between the Ocean and the Stars, reflects just that. About the book
Interview with author M.M. CochranWe caught up with the author recently for an exclusive interview about the launch of the novel.
What motivates you to write? I have ideas in my mind that blossom into a novel once they’re nurtured and worked with. The growth of that idea motivates me to get it on paper. Seeing the words I write combine into a beautiful sentence that’s full of emotion or sentiment motivates me to keep writing. I aim to bleed words from my soul that readers can feel rather than just read. What is your favorite scene in the book? Why? Chapter 29 is my favorite chapter. Without giving anything away, I think it’s a very emotional chapter and very symbolic. The secrets kept between Sam, Georgia, Logan, and the ocean are locked away. Hopefully. . . Chapter 29 was one of the last chapters I wrote for the book during edits, as well, so I had a ton of fun getting to spill a ton of emotion into it. What makes you happiest? I find my joy in the Lord, and seeing His creation in nature makes me happy and comforted. For example, I really love rainstorms in the summertime, and the beauty of autumn colors, and clean, white snow in the winter. (All with a cup of coffee in my hand while I sit inside by the window, might I add). What books did you grow up loving? As a kid, I was obsessed with the Emily Windsnap and Phillipa Fisher series. Those books made me fall in love with becoming an author and making books of my own. As a teenager, I adored The Hunger Games series. (Didn’t every fifteen year old??) Today, my very favorite book is The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak. He inspires me daily. Why did you pick this particular subject matter to write about? First of all, there’s nothing like a YA love story that takes place on an island. Throw a little bit of mystery/thriller aspect to it, and you’ve got a good read. But I wanted, more than anything, to reflect real life struggles that teenagers go through. The beauty of Young Adult literature is that it represents teenagers at their best and at their worst, and in the end, it shows the resolution of their struggles. I want teens to never feel alone in dark times and give them characters to relate to. Read more about the novel and the author on and connect on Instagram @m.m.cochran_writer. Between the Ocean and the Stars is available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book wherever books are sold. Get your copy today - we'd love a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble.
December 2024