"This was an amazing debut novel from the wonderful @m.m.cochran_writer that leaves you hooked from page one til the very end! She did amazing with such descriptive writing that it made you feel like you were experiencing it all first hand. This is a must read novel for all book lovers." -Bookstagrammer @memyshelfandwine
"This is an intense first love story that will leave you yelling at the characters. The story is vibrant, the characters are well developed, and the setting is phenomenal." -Bookstagrammer @diveintoagoodbook
"Heartbreaking. Poignant. Emotional. I enjoyed Sam’s voice and point of view as he tries to find his place and navigate his feelings. Cochran writes an emotional and gripping story of young love and how far we would go to achieve it." -Bookstagrammer @nurse_bookie
"It kept me intrigued and turning the pages until the end. It’s not your typical romancy type of book and sometimes that is just what you need even though you don’t realize it. This is a good, thought provoking book. 4.5 stars." -Books, Cooks, Looks
"This was a super cute YA romance. I liked that it was clean as it is definitely something I probably would have enjoyed when I was around 16 or 17 years old. . . . I, like most people, have suffered from all kinds of heartbreak in my life, so I really understand how Sam felt in this story. I also liked that it was all told from his POV, as it’s rare to read romances from the male’s POV." -Bookstagrammer @nissa_the.bookworm.
"What I loved: ✨Sam’s POV - rarely do I read romance books from a young man’s perspective unless it’s LGBTQ lit. Here, Sam falls hard for Georgia. The pure innocence of young love consumes Sam, his thoughts, and his actions. All of which feel real. ✨Blended Genre - you know me, I love mixed genres! This story blends romance, mystery, and coming of age . . . The romance is both sweet and heartbreaking. Some romance tropes include First Love, Summer Love, and Save Me. Overall, the story is well-balanced and perfect for any YA fan." -Bookstagrammer @bookmarked.by.becky
"I’ve been in the mood for YA books lately and this certainly fit what I’ve been looking for . . . Sam is the sole point of view and getting insight from a teenaged boy is unique and interesting. This skirts the lines of a few different genres, there’s romance and some mystery so a little something for everyone." -Bookstagrammer @novelgossip